Feb 17, 2008

Backtracked. (read: procrastination)

Better late than never, eh?
I present to you :

CREACTIVE in Bali 2008. Against the odds. Explore Abroad.
(note: cheesy! hah!)

Flying with Air Asia- for the first time.
Not too bad. not bad at all.

except...the promising picture on the menu.

and this..

(note: we knew about the infamous nasi lemak- and was tempted to try. It was nice though, although the presentation was a bit erm... well... )

The awesome-st bunch!

and the JUMP shot:
Hmm.. not very well coordinated. :D
(note: but we had fun!)

Sunset at Tanah Lot. Killer view!!!!

Offerings. Colourful!

Famous for their stone carvings.

It's almost like he's saying:
You're laughing at me? LOL.

*yoda* Hindu-influenced culture, the Balinese is.
(note: pic irrelevant, i just wanted to show you the pic. one of my favs!)

Photographer in action. :x
(note: thanks jade)


Do you seriously think I'm going to skip this part? :p

No one warn us(me!) that it's going to be scorching hot! in Bali.. January= hot season, I guess. Never mind the fact that Bali is on the equator, I've learned the hard way..

My sunnies and water got me through the whole trip- and my camera (sacrificing myself for better pictures..)
Remember sunblock next time. :/

Good trip nevertheless. Killer views, great company, good fellowship!

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