Oct 7, 2007

UK Edu Fair + hopes + dreams + craziness...

Kristina: I think I will see 3 blogs with the same post.

Your wish is my command. :)

Welcome to the UK Edu Fair 2007.

Please register yourself at the booth at 1 p.m. Not 12.59 p.m. exactly 1 p.m. :p

Filling up the forms to get goodie bags!

People, lots of them!

Survey time? Get discount cards from Britain Card.

One of the booths...

Make good choices...

It was raining when we were done...

Kris being at her best: retarded!

I told you so... :p

Who's the better model? ...

I smell mushroom pie! *imagination" of course...

Study in UK today. :p *being hopeful* Nope, this is not a sponsored post. Imagine if it was. It's no $$$ but in POUNDS! Phewww.

Paypal: $20.00 in! Yuppies!

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