Jun 1, 2010

i typed love, and it showed up

Okay, it has been ages... (guilty) since I have posted. Now that I have some pictures with my new camera (haha, yes!) I feel this blog is once again revived (I think). Most people know this blog by its photos, when it doesn't, I feel really bad, of course that would be whole topic on its own.

I got myself an Olympus. Well, you can say I "drowned" my digital camera and it died. And I betrayed my dslr for this. Cheeserland and Chingy has pimped the same model, so I'll spare myself the introduction.

No this is not Thailand.
You know when they shot the movie "Anna and the King" set that was built at Clearwater Sanctuary, and now abandoned and no visitors allowed (structure isn't as stable as it is couple years back)


We had new Indonesian friends on our way to Singapore, and they have cute buttons too!

Value Hotel Nice. Yes, the room is as big as the picture, no joke.
And Twilight was playing. Team Jacob, por favor.

At the bus stop! Satc 2!
Prolly going to watch it in Singapore. Yes, I'm going again this Thursday.

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