the great analogy of a dog walker
I brought the dog for a walk tonight; like every other evening for about 3 months now. I never owned a dog or a cat but somehow I get to enjoy these domestic pets' company. Well my point is, having read Marley & Me late last year got me thinking on how to create my version of it; oh well, I have the leash in my hand, so I was thinking I just need a story. Haha.

And today, I may not be as good as Grogan, nor Daisy the dog could ever replace Marley as the world worst' best dog (could've been his twin), I found it.
Found what, exactly?
Well, there are two routes, to go either by:-
i) Road Plan A- by the basketball court, the playground and to the house
ii) Road Plan B- by the canal, houses, grass area, house
Today, there were some change of plans because Daisy decided to take the lead (like she always does) So we went Plan A+Plan B. And as we approach our destination- which was like probably few hundred meters away- house in sight, not quite there yet. And then I realized what was happening.
In life, we have our goals, a destination we want to arrive at and you can probably see it, but you have a problem, a leash and your dog.
You try to run to your destination, but the dog wants to stop and sniff the grass and you stop.
And in life, you face challenges, things weren't always smooth, you are pulled back sometimes.
And then you try to run, while the dog is catching up. And when you're tired and slowed down, the dog takes the lead.
The dog now is your team/organization, you as the leader pull them together and trying to move forward, but your dog pulls back at times. But when you're tired, your dog runs forward while you try to catch up.
Found what, exactly?
Well, there are two routes, to go either by:-
i) Road Plan A- by the basketball court, the playground and to the house
ii) Road Plan B- by the canal, houses, grass area, house
Today, there were some change of plans because Daisy decided to take the lead (like she always does) So we went Plan A+Plan B. And as we approach our destination- which was like probably few hundred meters away- house in sight, not quite there yet. And then I realized what was happening.
In life, we have our goals, a destination we want to arrive at and you can probably see it, but you have a problem, a leash and your dog.
You try to run to your destination, but the dog wants to stop and sniff the grass and you stop.
And in life, you face challenges, things weren't always smooth, you are pulled back sometimes.
And then you try to run, while the dog is catching up. And when you're tired and slowed down, the dog takes the lead.
The dog now is your team/organization, you as the leader pull them together and trying to move forward, but your dog pulls back at times. But when you're tired, your dog runs forward while you try to catch up.

Imagine your team as a group like in the picture. What if one stop? Obviously you won't be able balance let alone move forward.
But sometimes when the dog stops to sniff- you might just learn to stop and smell the rose too. So, that ladies and gentlemen is my interpretation as a dog walker. It probably doesn't make any sense now, but if you look closer, then you'll see it.
Why Shakespeare doesn't just say, "Damn girl, you're pretty!" but wrote a poem's first line that went, "How shall I compare thee to a summer's day?" Well, that's another long story.
Edit: My Dog is a Buddhist by Om Gal.