Word of the day: Impertinence
A wet day, filled with gloom and mixed emotions
I sat here, wasting my day away, clenching my fistAllowing myself to drown in toxic;
a breath that could just kill a healthy mice
Cancerous cells it may build
But one cannot stop a volcano from erupting
Nor we can tell the skies not to rain.
Ugly word of the day: Again.
Need I be told like a 5 year old kid?
Or does it just reveal your impertinence
I acted like one, and I deleted the haunting message

One blows the candle, while I kept its flames
One avoids the sea, while I drown myself in sea water
One chills with a cold drink, while I burn my tongue with a cup of hot java
T'was a toxic day,
And I shall detox by stirring up some endorphins
In which I hope will be soon
If not, another eruption shall take place
and it shall all end. violently.