Iron Man is a Fairytale afterall
A photo which was posted on Flickr caught the eyes of the makers of Iron Man's attention and it became the backdrop of the movie's poster. Cool beans! Check out the story here. and the pic here.
And I cannot believe how fast time flies, I was wishing I could grow up sooner and then now I'm 19 turning 20. And you know what they say, it's all downhill from now onwards. I need to get those miracle "goat's testicles" cream Christine Baranski (Mamma Mia!) is using! She may be 56 years old, but she looks hella fine, maybe it's just the plastic surgery and botox, but hey great legs! And she played Trixie of the tele-version of Speed Racer. Now everybody say, "Cool beans!"
And lunch break. I don't know what is that thing, but that "thing" makes me look back at what I've written and I feel like a starting a new post. rare occasions like this one, I make an exception. okay. I'm proud to announce that I officially feel "adult" now. okay, before you get any ideas, it doesn't mean I went and watch some porn. Gosh, that is a totally different thing. I was supposed to get my own Maybank account for my salary purposes, and my dad suggested me to get a visa debit. Okay, it's not exactly credit card, but hey, now I can supposedly shop online without adult surpervision. Okay. It wasn't supposed to sound like that, but you get the drift. It's one cool looking card too.

I've always wanted to get those Visa payWave; it's almost too cool, like how you wave and pay for your favourite Starbucks drink. Tsk tsk. I sometimes find it hilarious that I'm that easily amused. Like giving a candy to a kid *jumps*, except I didn't like candy when I was a kid. What a bummer, when I found out that you can only withdraw up to 4 times a month and then you have to pay 5o cents every time you use it. Old scrooge! Now, I have to find out whether I can withdraw my Paypal funds with it (not that I have any left for now, I just bought my Christmas gift! :p) Okay, shush! I've revealed too much already.