One thing about buying eyewear is that optical retailers, be it franchises or sole proprietors is their exorbitant prices. As consumers, one often finds you’re at the losing end because the retailers decide on how much you should pay, and not based on market value, which is usually the case.
Let’s just face it, eyeglasses are expensive, and it’s not a one-time purchase as you continue to upgrade your lens as your power increases. I had no qualms with it at first because I had perfect vision before. “Had”, and now after 2 ½ years of college, most of the time on the computer, well, it’s natural your perfect 20/20 vision is well, not perfect anymore. My dad refuses to get prescription eyeglasses for me as he feels that often retailers weren’t able to justify the price and what more, if you’re a new user.
Now the question is what if you could get quality eyeglasses on the cheap? Now, it’s actually possible looking at what the Chicago Tribune has to say in its Spending Smart column. Read here.
Among the bunch, struck to me as what I would call a good deal, no less. Claiming that it manufactures frames direct to their customers, without any help from middlemen and virtually no advertising budget, sounds like something eyewear consumers should start looking into, as an alternative to old school retailers.
Giving you choices from $8.00 eyeglasses, a variety of designs, colors, materials, which is well, really a click away, as you type in your prescription, whether you want to tint your lens, or polarize it, all on one page. For shipping outside the US, it reaches you in about 10 days (depending on your eyewear order) from its overseas lab based in Hong Kong. Now it’s a really good time on thinking on how to spend that money wisely by considering smart alternatives like online eyewear. Let's save money on eyewear. Are we seeing cheap eyeglasses?
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